Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (“IANG” Visas).
Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (“IANG” Visas) are for non-local students who have obtained an undergraduate or higher qualification in full-time education institutes to work in Hong Kong upon successful graduation.
If the non-local graduates submit their IANG visa applications within six months after the date of their graduation, then they can apply without any secure employment. For returning non-local graduates to submit their IANG visa applications, they must have secured a prior offer of employment upon application.
The IANG visas will be granted initially for 12 months. IANG visa holders are reminded that they must have secured employment at the time of their next extension. Otherwise their IANG visa extension might be refused.
For IANG visa holders who would like to set up their own business in Hong Kong, they must fulfill the investment visa requirements.